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TUGAS B INGGRIS ( Materi pengalaman pribadi mengenai projek SDGs dan love)

Hay my name is Candra nur yulinda heny subakti class: 11 IPS 3 '19 here I will explain my feelings about this project in English assignments. This time the material I learned was about SDGs and love. From the material I learned about SDGs and love, I really liked it because there was a lot of education given and it gave me a lot of experience. What I mean by education is not only about the world of education but is related to the life around us. Many things make this learning material more interesting. Extensive knowledge adds to the experience of SDGs learning and love. Motivate us to continue to care about the natural surroundings and the social sphere in society. For that, let us realize everything related to the scope of life with this time learning material, namely SDGs and love so that you can get encouragement to care for the surrounding environment and nature. Thank you, maybe that's an amazing thing that made me like this assignment, hope you guys can like ...
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let's protect and reduce the spread of the Covid 19 virus, starting with ourselves and those around us. By adhering to the slogan I propose below: 1. Love yourself and your family by washing your hands diligently. 2. let's keep a temporary distance so that the virus does not get on your body. 3. wear a mask and wash your hands diligently so that the virus does not dare to approach. 4. Stay enthusiastic and stay healthy until the virus is not seen again. Hopefully the motto that I convey today can give encouragement to the community that maintaining health during a pandemic is important and that personal hygiene and the environment can prevent the spread of viruses and even bacteria.

Surat Pribadi ( Materi tempat wisata di jawa barat)

                              Purwosari, 28 Agustus 2020 Hi, My name is Candra nur yulinda  Graden 11 IPS 3 '19 In the latter, I will tell and provide information that i know about tourism places in west java. Do you know tourist attractions in west java? Very beautiful if you are here we will definitely enjoy it s beauty. The tourist attations that I visited in west java when i spent my vacation this year are Bukit Pangembangan Kuningan. In this tourist spot in west java.Which is located in Tembong village Garawangi, you can see the beauty of a stretch of wel - tended pine forest and close to water soorces from another poin of view. Like at the lodge Maribaya.  Which is located in Lembang, in this tourist spot in west java. There are also two vlewing post made of bamboo which are places where visitors can enjoy beautiful panoramas and frest wather. From the hill, which is located 8 km from the center o...

favorite English song

~songs~   Now you find two song lyric of your favorite songs!       Answer the following questions!   1. What is the title of those songs? Al an walker alone   2. Who is the singer?  Alan Olav walker   3. Write the parts of the song lyric as the above example!                                  ALAN WALKER ALONE               Lost in your mind               I wanna know               Am I losing my mind?               Never let me go               If this night is not forever               At least we are together                I know I'm not alone             ...

Recount texs

                       GANESYA The  palace is an elephant-headed god with a human body In the monument above the statue of Ganesha is found in intact body shape with a seated body position like a baby. Ganesha is believed to have followers of Gana (a group of people who care for elephants), Ganesha as a god functions as a deity worshiping in the temple and outside the temple. Ganesya is worshiped as the god of knowledge is worshiped when people want to start their work Muncang Inscription The contents of the inscription appeared that in 866 Saka month Caitra on the 6th Suklapaksa (Paroterang) day "Tungla Pahing Anggara" Wuku Shinta which coincided with March 3, 944 AD . The purpose of establishing a plot of land was to build a sacred building (place of worship) called Siddhayoga

Tugas ekonomi Pengertian Menajemen , Definisi Menejemen, Fungsi Menejemen

Pengertian Manajemen Manajemen adalah suatu proses di mana seseorang dapat mengatur segala sesuatu yang dikerjakan oleh individu atau kelompok. Manajemen perlu dilakukan guna mencapai tujuan atau target dari individu ataupun kelompok tersebut secara kooperatif menggunakan sumber daya yang tersedia.Dari pengertian tersebut. 2. Definisi Manajemen menurut para ahli •George Robert Terry George mengartikan manajemen sebagai proses khas dari beberapa tindakan, seperti perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, dan pengawasan. Seluruh tindakan tersebut bertujuan mencapai target dengan memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang tersedia. •Ricky W. Griffin Manajemen adalah proses perencanaan, organisasi, koordinasi, dan kontrol pada sumber daya agar tujuan tercapai secara efektif dan efisien. Efektif di sini maksudnya tujuan tercapai sesuai rencana, dan efisien berarti bahwa manajemen dilakukan secara cermat, terorganisir, dan tepat waktu. •Lawrence A. Appley Mengartikan manajemen sebagai keahlian da...

Study at home COVID - 19

My experience stidy at home So during holidays at home many things that can not be done outside the home such as gathering with friends all learning is done by cell phone because of the rise of the corona virus many things are harmed because of that The negative effects of the corona virus: 1. Number of unemployment 2. Many activities outside the home are blocked because of the spread of the virus 3. Can not gather with friends Because of this virus many attempts were made to reduce the spread of this corona virus such as: 1. Wash your hands before eating 2. Not in a crowd 3. Wear a mask when leaving the house Because of this covid makes me feel bored at home can not meet with friends, many tasks are piled up, activities outside the home are hampered. I often feel less active since the long holiday so during this holiday I often do sports with my family such as morning walks, helping mothers cook, clean the house and other positive things I can do at home so I can conclude that th...